
A playground for learning about A-frame

View the Project on GitHub jgbarah/aframe-playground

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Templates I’m using

I’m using the templates in this directory templates. They include a base of what I need to produce an A-frame application managed with webpack. There is some stuff, such as fonts, that you only need in some cases, so use with care, and remove unneeded stuff.

When starting a new application, I just copy all this stuff to a new directory, and:

$ npm install
$ npm install library --save
$ npm run build
$ npm run watch
$ npm run start

The first one will build the application in the dist directory, by using webpack -p (production).

The second one will also build the application using webpack, and will let it watch for any change to the source files, which will trigger webpack producing the application again.

The third one will build the application, and launch a web server, watching for changes to source files as well (and re-producing the application any time they change). Your default web browser will be launched as well to check the application.

You can also run any of:

$ npm run clean
$ npm run cleanbuild

The first one will clean (remove) all files in the dist directory. The second one will clean, and then build the application.